Monday, January 23, 2012

Will This Matter...

Wish I was cold as stone,
Then I wouldn't feel afraid.
Wish I didn't have this heart,
Then I wouldn't know the sting of the rain.
I could stand strong and still,
Watching you walk away.
I wouldn't hurt like this,
Or feel so all alone.
I wish I was cold as stone.

Someone once told me that every life changing, dramatic moment can be put into perspective by asking yourself...

Will this matter to me in 5 minutes? 
Will this matter to me in 5 hours?
Will this matter to me in 5 days?
Will this matter to me 5 years?

Once upon a time as a teenage girl through soaking tears, yes was always the answer.  Would it really matter in 5 years that your friend was mad at you and wouldn't speak to you, or that the boy you liked was dating someone else? No, in fact those small dramas rarely lasted hours, let alone days and years.  

As we get older, and the moments of change are actually a little more life changing, and the heartbreaks are a little more painful, we should ask ourselves these same questions.  Five minutes after your heart is broken you really do wish you were cold as stone, and through the tears it seems the pain will never go away...five hours later you still wish you didn't feel the pain because chances are you are either puffy eyed from crying, or hammered drunk from trying to not feel a thing...after five days you can still feel exactly how each awful word they said to you made feel, yet you are fighting the urge to call them just to hear their voice, and wishing things were the way they were just a few days before...In five years you can hardly remember why you broke up.  The pain only lasts so long, but you learn from it.  It is these moments that change you for the better or the worst, and despite remembering what was said and how you felt, these are the moments that affect every choice you make whether you know it or not. 

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